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Organizational Directives
of the

Carolyn Mawby Chorale


The Chorale is a performance organization composed of volunteers whose purpose is to present musical performances in a quality and manner befitting the choral music tradition at U of M-Flint.


Any person may become a member by invitation and/or audition.


The amount of the annual dues of the Chorale, if needed, shall be determined by the Executive Board and approved by the membership.


Dues, if assessed, will be payable within the first month of the performance year. Members who join after January 1 will pay half dues.

Artistic Director

The Artistic Director of the Chorale is hired by the Executive Board and is responsible for:

  • Creating and maintaining the artistic integrity of the Chorale.

  • Coordinating all artistic aspects of Chorale concerts.

  • Maintaining an ongoing working relationship with the Executive Board.

  • Submit proposed budget reflecting anticipated expenses for each concert season.

Executive Board and Officers

The affairs of the Chorale shall be governed by the Executive Board consisting of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and four members elected at large. The Artistic Director shall attend Executive Board meetings as an ex-officio member. The Past President shall attend for one year after leaving office as an ex-officio member.

Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be responsible for all business of the Chorale, including but not limited to the following:

  • Hiring the Artistic Director and Accompanist.

  • Approving the hiring of any guest artists and instrumentalists.

  • Approving the hiring of any outside service, i.e., graphic artists, printers, sound engineers.

  • Approving all expenditures.

  • Approving the concert calendar.

  • Approving the ticket prices.

Duties of the Officers


  • The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board, shall coordinate all of the committee activities and other business of the Chorale and shall be the liaison with the Artistic Director.

  • The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

  • The President shall have the power to appoint an individual to any unfilled position on the Executive Board to serve until the next election, with the approval of the Executive Board.

  • The President shall have served as a member of the Executive Board prior to running for office.

  • The secretary shall keep the minutes of all Executive Board and Membership meetings.

  • The Secretary shall be the custodian of the record books of the Executive Board and give notice of any meetings to the general membership.

  • The Secretary shall be responsible for the correspondence of the Chorale and shall perform other duties as prescribed by the Executive Board.

  • The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the organization with the approval of the Executive Board.

  • The Treasurer shall sign and endorse checks, drafts and orders of payment and report the financial status regularly to the Executive Board and Membership.

  • With the cooperation of the Executive Board, the Treasurer shall prepare a budget reflecting anticipated income and expenses for the coming fiscal year. This budget shall be submitted to the Executive Board for approval at the first meeting.

  • The Treasurer shall prepare monthly and annual reports reflecting all financial activity.

Calendar Year/Fiscal Year

The calendar year for organizational meetings shall be July 1 – June 30. The fiscal year is October 1 – September 30.

Executive Board Meetings

A schedule for the monthly Executive Board meetings will be determined at the first meeting and communicated to the general membership. Special meetings may be called by the President or by five (5) members of the Executive Board.


If an Executive Board member misses three consecutive meetings, the member may be asked to resign upon recommendation of the Executive Board.


Vacancies in a position on the Executive Board which occur during a term shall be filled by an appointment of the President, with approval of the Executive Board, and the individual will serve until the next election.


Two thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.


A majority vote of the voting Executive Board members present shall be necessary to carry all motions.

Nominations and Elections
Executive Board Members

Officers and Executive Board members shall be elected by the membership from a slate prepared by the Nominating Committee no later than April 30 each year.

Term of Office

The term of office for Executive Board members shall be for two years beginning on July 1.

General Membership Meetings
Annual Meeting

The annual meeting shall be held no later than October 31 of each year at which time a report of the previous year's activities shall be given.

General Meetings

Other membership meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Board.


Two-Thirds (2/3) of the members of the Chorale shall constitute a quorum.


A majority of the members present shall be necessary to carry all motions.


The following are Standing Committees of the Chorale. Chairpersons of all Committees shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Board. All Committees shall coordinate their activities with the President.

  • Concert Setup - Responsible for procurement, setup and tear down of all concert equipment.

  • Concert Recording/CD Production - Responsible for all aspects of sound production and concert recordings. Coordinates production and sales of Chorale CDs.

  • Fundraising - Responsible for all fundraising activities including an annual major capital campaign. Maintains all mailing lists.

  • Music Library - Responsible for cataloging, organizing, maintaining and distributing all Chorale music.

  • Nominating – This committee is responsible for developing a proposed slate of officers for each election. The committee shall be composed of one member from each section of the chorale.

  • Publicity - Responsible for all aspects of publicity, including:

    • Graphic designs for all published materials with approval of Artistic Director and Executive Board.

    • Advertisements for all concerts and events.

    • Liaison with designers, printers, etc.

  • Hospitality - Responsible for coordinating all aspects of concert receptions, procuring people to usher and otherwise deal with the needs of the audience.

  • Tickets - Responsible for printing, distribution and sales of all concert ticket

  • Website - Responsible for creation and maintenance of official Chorale website.

Special Committees

Special Committees are temporary in nature and shall function until their specified tasks are completed. The President may, with the approval of the Executive Board, create special committees as necessary to further the purpose of the Chorale.

The Chairpersons of Special Committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.

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© 2016 by The Carolyn Mawby Chorale.

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